The First Resin Coating Hybridized with Carbon Nanotube (CNT)


Super-hard, Anticorrosive, CNT-Composited Coating "NANOTECT®"

Super-hard, Anticorrosive, CNT-Composited Coating "NANOTECT®"

Features of NANOTECT®

Together with Professor Emeritus Inagaki and Professor Emeritus Fukuda from Kyoto University, and GSI Creos Corporation, Takenaka succeeded in jointly developing the world’s first coating with uniformly dispersed high-density CNTs (Carbon Nano Tubes), NANOTECT®, in 2008. NANOTECT® is a dream coating with abrasion resistance, impact resistance, high ductility, high degree of hardness, as well as excellent corrosion resistance properties Takenaka is actively engaged in trialing NANOTECT® for applications in areas showing promise, such as medicine, ocean exploration, and aircraft.


Rotating Abrasion Test

ねじアイコンAbrasion Resistance NANOTECT® has excellent resistance against wear and abrasion.
ねじアイコンImpact Resistance NANOTECT® has the highest impact resistance of all resin coatings.
ねじアイコンBending Resistance NANOTECT® has very high bending resistance.
ねじアイコンFilm Hardness NANOTECT® film is almost as hard as metal coatings.
ねじアイコンLubrication NANOTECT® has very high lubrication performance like PTFE coating.
ねじアイコンAnti Corrosion NANOTECT® has excellent corrosion resistance with the electric conductivity of CNT insulated by our unique technology of surface grafting.

Surface treatment using carbon nanotubes, a world-first new dream material


Image of Cup-Stacked-type Carbon Nanotube(CSCNT) provided by GSI Creos Corp., Japan

ねじアイコンWorld’s first uniformly dispersed carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes have several times the tensile strength of steel and have high conductivity: they are a next generation carbon material. Without being mixed with resin, the conductivity of the carbon nanotube materials cause corrosion, so they were not suitable as a coating for anticorrosion purposes, however, Takenaka’s unique technology called “grafting” successfully blocks the conductivity and disperses the carbon nanotubes uniformly and at high density. The result has been a fusion of the strength of carbon nanotubes with Takenaka’s anticorrosion technology to create the surface treatment, NANOTECT®.

World’s first uniformly dispersed carbon nanotubes01
Untreated CSCNT    Grafted CSCNT

Dispersion effect of Carbon Nanotube on solvent

World’s first uniformly dispersed carbon nanotubes02

Comparison of dispersion state of Carbon Nanotube in resin

World’s first uniformly dispersed carbon nanotubes03

grafted Carbon Nanotube (NANOTECT®)

World’s first uniformly dispersed carbon nanotubes04

not grafted Carbon Nanotube

Examples of application

NANOTECT® is applied to the coated pressure vessel of JAMSTEC’s Otohime (AUV) and a part of Kaikoo (ASV) for anti corrosion.

Otohime (AUV) ©JAMSTEC dummy

Otohime (AUV) ©JAMSTEC

Kaikoo (ASV) ©JAMSTEC dummy


Metals are known to be subject to extreme corrosion when used in deep sea environments or on long sea voyages.
We are confident that NANOTECT® will protect these materials from corrosion and contribute to the preservation of equipment.

  AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)
  ASV (Autonomous Surface Vehicle)